Restaurant Savings-Part 2

Last week, I began a post on restaurant savings entitled “4 Tips For Saving Money When Eating Out.” Today, I would like to continue that post with four more money-saving tips:

1) Consider investing in a coupon book such as an Entertainment Book or other coupon book that your city offers.
These books usually pay for themselves very quickly. We received one as a gift for Christmas, and our savings would have already paid for it twice. These really do make wonderful gifts, and they are on great sale right now (50% off and free shipping).
The key to saving with any type of coupon book, is remembering to use them. A good idea, is to keep it in your car, so you have the coupons with you at all times.

2) Use
This is an excellent resource for planning special date nights. The best deal is to wait until the certificates go on sale for $2 for $25. The deals usually work where you have to spend at least $35, but that still means you are eating out for between $12-$15 (with tax and tip), which is a pretty awesome deal! Also if you go through you get 15% cash back, which is another great bonus!

3) Don’t be afraid to use coupons
Some people may feel hesitant to use coupons at a restaurant. I know I did at first. I am learning however, that there is absolutely no shame in saving money. You are still giving the establishment your business. If they didn’t want you to use coupons they wouldn’t print them. Also, if you enjoy your experience, you can repay the resturant by speaking positively of them to others. Word-of-mouth advertising is the best kind.

4)Consider Carry-out
Another great option is to get your food carry out. This way you avoid the extra cost of tip and drinks. We don’t usually buy drinks anyway (why pay $2 for a glass of coke that only really costs 5 cents?)

Loving In Spite of Imperfection…

This post is the eighth post in a series entitled Keys To Unlocking Great Relationships. Read the previous entries in this series here.

I stumbled across this quote yesterday and thought it would be a perfect topic for today’s post:

“We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.” -Sam Keen

I just love the philosophy behind this quote. It acknowledges a few vital truths about healthy relationships:

1) We are all imperfect people. We all have areas of weakness that will cause us to hurt others.

2) Being in a relationship involves two imperfect people.

3) It is not the other person’s responsibility to become perfect (or even close to it) in order for you to have a healthy and whole relationship with them.

4) True love is all about perspective. I don’t think the author of this quote is saying we should ignore the flaws in others. In contrast, I hear this quote to be saying that we must learn to see others’ flaws in light of their context and stop expecting them to change. Healthy relationships are all about accepting what is, and changing my reactions instead of trying to change the other person. As I have said before, the only person I can control is me. I must take charge of my perceptions of others and order my thoughts and behaviors accordingly. If we seek to truly see and understand others we will learn how to respond to them in a way that is mutually beneficial to both of us. The problem comes when we just react in the moment, and don’t ever take the time to think about better ways to respond.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this quote in the comment section :)

Online Shopping Discounts!

For today’s Money Monday post, I would like to share a review of an awesome way to get online shopping discounts. If you shop online at all, you will notice that many retailers have a space for coupon codes in their online check out system. I frequently wish I had something to put in that box to give me additional savings. I had searched online before for coupon codes with very little success. However…..

Recently, I was referred to a great website that complies all of these coupon codes into one easy-to-use reference database. is a must-consult resource for any online shopper. They have a huge selection of coupon codes for a large variety of retailers. These are not just codes for hole in the wall online retailers, they feature many major stores such as Target, Amazon, Walmart, and Kohls, just to name a few. Here are four reasons why I think is a great resource to bookmark and visit often:

1) It is easy to find what you want.
First of all, they provide an easy to use and effective search feature. Using this search bar allows you to quickly and easily find discounts for the store you are looking for. You can also brows by category or tag, which is great if you are just looking for general deals. I also enjoy the popular coupon listings on the homepage, which features the best and most reliable deals.

2) They have a excellent rating system that helps you determine the reliability of the coupon codes.
Any coupon code that has been used will have a percentage of success rate. They also color-code that percentage (green=high success rate). Also, any used coupon will have a coupon pulse button below it. When clicked, this reveals a box that tells how many people have used the coupon code, how much people have saved, and trust rating. Each code also has a comment section, where you can learn from the experience of other users. These reliability ratings will save you much time, and prevent you from trying a variety of ineffective codes before finding one that works. Instead of hunting through google searches for a working code, you can go directly to and find a highly rated code (if one is available)

3) The site is very interactive.
In addition, to the comment section above, this site has many other interactive features. My favorite is, you can choose to receive customized alerts by creating an account. What I love about this feature is that after you create an account, you will not receive any email communication from them unless you opt-in.

4) The site is easy to use and offers extensive customer support.
They offer a great tutorial here on how to use their site. They also offer a blog with frequent updates on site improvments and useful features.

I will definitely be browsing this site before I make my next online purchase. Shopping online can save a lot of money when you find the right deals, and I think can help you do just that.

Learning Lessons

Friends, so sorry this is my first post of the week. It has been quite a crazy last few days to say the least. We are hosting some wonderful company this week; however that in combination with homework and losing two grandmothers last week, the blog has taken a back seat. I promise to resume “regularly scheduled programing” next week. I have a lot of fun and exciting things to share. For now, I just wanted to share a few things I have been learning in the past week:

1) You can only do the best you can with what you have, and that is ok!
I am learning to give myself some grace this week. God has brought me to the end of myself in many ways, and I am learning to trust that His love for me is not based on my performance. Everything doesn’t have to be perfect :) This week has been about learning to live in the challenge of hard decisions, mixed emotions, and the messy reality of life.

2) True Love Is Unconditional
This week I am also realizing how grateful I am for those who love me despite all my mess. It is a beautiful thing to know you are safe to be and feel how you do. It is incredible to be fully seen and fully loved. It is in times of brokenness, when you are empty of anything you can offer, that you truly experience unconditional love. Sometimes it is hard for me to accept this type of love, because I feel that I need to do something to earn or repay it. But the truth is, that unconditional love is really how things are supposed to be. It is as beautiful to give this type of love as it is to receive it.

Leaving a Legacy

For today’s Faithful Friday post, I would like to write about one of the most faithful women I know, my grandma Jeanie. This past Wednesday, she was finally called Home, after a long battle with a myriad of health problems.

In some ways, her passing brings joy because I know she is finally free from the pain and heartache she experienced. I also rejoice because she is reunited with two people who have known her most intimately, most importantly Jesus, and secondly her husband. I remember her saying to me years ago, on a day of particularly intense physical pain, “Angie some days, I just want to go home.” She had a clear picture of where true hope is found. She always longed to be near to the heart of her Father and now she is.

There is something beautiful about the thought of heaven. I was talking with someone today and I thought they put it well. They said “I am not afraid of death, it’s the dying part I don’t look forward to.” It is beautiful to know that for grandma, the hard part is over, and now eternal rejoicing awaits. There is so much peace in knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is in heaven.

She suffered through chronic pain with dignity and grace. Despite the challenges she faced, she taught me many things, even in the short fourteen years I knew her. One of the main things she taught me is the Power of prayer. I know she prayed for me so much, and I know I have lost a great prayer warrior. Her prayers were such a gift to me. I never want to underestimate the value and power of praying for others.

There are so many other things I could share, but I think I could sum up her influence on me in one word: faithfulness. She was faithful to God in the face of incredible difficulties. She modeled for me how to live a steadfast and committed life, regardless of my circumstances. The gift of a good example may be the best gift you could give.

Thinking about this caused me to ask myself, Am I living in a way that leaves a legacy? Live well friends, this life on earth is only temporary.

4 Tips For Saving Money When Eating Out

One way to get your budget under control and to help your money work for you, is to reduce the money you spend eating out. Eating at home is also usually much healthier. However, everyone needs a treat once in a while. If you apply some basic planning principals you can make eating out a cost-effective and guilt free experience. Here are some ways we have found to make the most of our dining-out experiences.

1) Plan Ahead
This is vital in order to stick to your budget. You must include a realistic amount of money in your budget for eating out. Trying to cut out too much too soon usually results in a blown budget and a discouraged heart.

2) Think Strategically
This is a fun one. For us, this means choosing sit-down resturants that offer free bread or chips before meals. That way, we usually end up taking at least one half meal, if not two, home with us. Usually we eat another day or two off of left overs. In relation to fast food, for us, this means find places where they are offering sales or buy one get one free deals.

3) Take Advantage of Specials and Rewards Programs
Sign up for email lists at your favorite restaurants. Often they will send you sale alerts and special coupons. It is amazing what deals they will offer! Also, at more casual restaurants, make sure to use any punch or loyatly cards. Businesses love to reward customer loyalty, and if you are going to be there anyway, you might as well reap the benefits.

4) Have an emergency plan :)
The reality is, there will be nights when you don’t feel like cooking, or when the day doesn’t go as planed and you need a quick last minute meal. Have a stash of coupons ready, or have a cheap standby emergency resturant you know is inexpensive and quick. It might even be a good idea to keep $5 or $10 in a special envelope in your car for what I like to call “sanity meals”. Much to my husbands delight, our emergency resturant is Taco Bell. Not the healthiest, but inexpensive. And we try to minimize our “emergency” trips to once or twice a month.

I will continue this post next week, with more money-saving tips :)

Embracing the Past and Hoping For The Future

This post is the eighth post in a series entitled Keys To Unlocking Great Relationships. Read the previous entries in this series here….

Today, I want to write a quick post about the importance of embracing the past and dreaming about the future. I think occasionally taking time to do both of these things in your relationships will enhance them greatly. For those of us who are Christians, we can look to the Bible as a model of this practice. God is constantly reminding His people of how far He has brought them, and encouraging them to remain focused on the hope that is to come.

First, in your relationships, do you take time to remember and celebrate how far you have come? This is one of my favorite things about my relationship with my dad, we love to celebrate together. Although things were not always as ideal as we would have hoped in our relationship, we both put in the hard work, and are now able to look back and have joy at how far we have come.

Especially when things get tough, it is vital to remember that you have weathered similar storms before, and that your perseverance will be rewarded. Even if there are things in the past of your relationships that you aren’t proud of, working to embrace them will free you. Running from you past only allows it to continue to haunt you. Give yourself grace, make amends if needed, and learn to forgive yourself. It is the only way to live fully now.

On the other hand, do you take time in your relationships to discuss the future. Do you dream together? Do you know the other person’s longings, hopes, desires, and aspirations? Do you even allow yourself to dream, to hope? Have you thought about how you would like to grow? If you can see your mate/friend/roommate/parent as a person who has hopes and longings, just like you do, it will add depth and richness to your relationship.

Food for Thought

Recently, information about healthy and green living seems to keep finding me. Blogs keep being recommended and movies randomly show up on our Netflix… I think God might be trying to tell me something :)

One of the biggest things I am learning, is that in today’s American society, we are so out of touch with what is in our food, and where our food comes from. I am really developing a longing to eat more whole foods, less processed chemicals, and really understand the source of my food. Part of this journey is getting my hands dirty by making more from scratch and planting a garden. However, in all honesty, so much of it has been a mental shift, prompted by some things I have been reading and watching.

For today’s post, I would just like to share a list of things I have been watching and reading related to the whole idea of green/healthy living. I hope this post is a resource list for you. My prayer is that you will explore these ideas with me and be open to new ideas about the way we live and eat.

1) Food, Inc. – this is a riveting documentary on the food industry and how it’s commercialization is affecting our health. This film was so eye-opening for me. Before watching it, I was very unaware of the way our food system worked. This film really inspired me to change the way I think about food,

2) No Impact Man -this is a fascinating documentary that journey’s one author (and his family) and their goal to live an entire year with no net environmental impact. Although his actions are extreme, his journey is challenging and inspiring. I walked away from this film thinking, if he can make those massive changes and enjoy most of them, maybe I am able to do more than I think. He also wrote a book which can be found here.

3) 100 Days of Real Food– This is a wonderful blog devoted to whole food eating. Again, some of her efforts are extreme, but I feel there is much to be learned. Right now, she is doing a series of very accessible “mini challenges.”

4) The Zero Waste Home– this is another family who has chosen to live with as little waste as possible. They provide practical tips on how to live more sustainably.

I hope you enjoy these fun and educational pieces :) I encourage you to check them out, they really have been life changing for me.

4 Money & Environment Saving Tips

I feel like my theme these days is: think outside the box :) When trying to live a greener and less expensive life, I have found myself frequently trying new things. Thus, for today’s Money Monday post, I would like to share some of my recent money-saving and environmentally friendly adventures:

1) Changing the way you clean
This is going to be a process for me. Eventually, I want to switch out all my chemical cleaning products to natural/homemade ones; however, in the interest of not wasting money, I am going to finish my current supply of products first. Here is a great article if you are interested in learning more about making your own cleaning products.

Even though I am not doing a complete overhaul, I am still making changes. For example, this week I am attempting to clean without using paper towels. For those of you who know me, you know this is a big step! I just completed my first whole-apartment cleaning using all reusable rags, and it really wasn’t bad at all. Not to mention we will save money by not buying paper towels.

2) Buying from bulk bins
This weekend I discovered a local store and a stand at our farmers market that has bulk bins of oats, beans, lentils, and other dry goods. Buying from these bins is environmentally friendly because you can bring reusable containers. Also, these products are cheaper than their pre-packaged counterparts. A final benefit is that these products are unprocessed, thus you are not eating the preservatives that come in traditionally canned beans.

3) Composting
So we started a compost bin this weekend. Yikes :) I am pretty nervous, because despite hours of research, I still feel like I have no idea what I am doing. We decided to take a casual approach to the process, using a plastic tub we already owned to hold our materials. We did purchase some red earthworms (yes, I went and bought worms at the bait shop). We will see how it goes, if it doesn’t work out, we are only out $3, but we thought it was worth a shot. Composting will provide great nutrients for our container garden, and reduce our waste production. Here are a few websites I found that have helped me along the way: really great overview and starting instructions can be found here.– Another overview. A first person account of an apartment composter.

4) Re-think what you “could never do”
Just a few weeks ago I said “I could never clean without paper towels, I just don’t think it would feel clean”. Well a few environmental documentaries later, I am re-thinking a whole lot of things. I decided to try it this week, just to see if I could do it. Turns out it was fine, and I feel like everything is well cleaned.

I am realizing there is a lot I used to say “I could never do”, that really isn’t all that bad. Especially this week, I am finding that I impose so many self-defeating limits on myself. I discount things as wrong or bad before I even give them a try. Also, many of the green and natural changes I am making are not nearly as complicated or difficult as I thought.

Give something new a try this week, you never know, you might like it :)

Thoughts on Perspective

I have struggled with how to write today’s Faithful Friday post. I am experiencing conflicting feelings of joy over the beautiful weather here while also feeling heavy-hearted with the news of the tragedy in Japan. In the face of such devastation and loss, words are so inadequate. As I prayed about what to write today, here are the two things God called me to do:

1) If you say you are going to pray for someone or something.. actually do it. Pray.
I realized how quickly I throw out the platitude “I will be praying for you” or “we should pray for them” but how often I forget to actually pray.

2) Remind yourself of God’s character.
A disaster of this magnitude always brings a multitude of questions, mostly revolving around why? We should not be afraid of these, because God is big enough to handle anything we can throw at him. Come to him with your questions, anger, and fear; wrestle with him over the hard unknowns of life.